Cách chơi
Do Den là một trò chơi rất phổ biến. Nhà cái chia một lá bài cho mỗi trò chơi.
Các loại cá cược
Loại | Giá | Điều kiện chiến thắng |
Đỏ | 2.0 | The suit of the card is Heart/Diamond. If the card is 10 of hearts/diamonds, you get the betting amount back. |
Đen | 2.0 | The suit of the card is Spade/Club. If the card is 10 of spades/clubs, you get the betting amount back. |
Bích | 4.0 | The suit of the card is Spade. If the card is 10 of spades, you get the betting amount back. |
Cơ | 4.0 | The suit of the card is Heart. If the card is 10 of hearts, you get the betting amount back. |
Chuồn | 4.0 | The suit of the card is Club. If the card is 10 of clubs, you get the betting amount back. |
Rô | 4.0 | The suit of the card is Diamond. If the card is 10 of diamonds, you get the betting amount back. |
1/2/3 | 4.0 | The card is 1/2/3. |
4/5/6 | 4.0 | The card is 4/5/6. |
7/8/9 | 4.0 | The card is 7/8/9. |
J/Q/K | 4.0 | The card is J/Q/K. |
10 Nút | 12.0 | The card is 10. |
Luật chơi
1.If the outcome of the game is the type you bet, you win.
2.If the card for 10 is 10, you win. If the card for Do is Heart,Diamond, you win. If the card for Den is Spade,Club, you win. If the card for Spade is Spade, you win. If the card for Heart is Heart, you win. If the card for Club is Club, you win. If the card for Diamond is Diamond, you win. If the card for 1/2/3 is 1,2,3, you win. If the card for 4/5/6 is 4,5,6, you win. If the card for 7/8/9 is 7,8,9, you win. If the card for J/Q/K is J,Q,K, you win.
3.If the card is 10, the winning bet on Do/Den/Spade/Heart/Diamond/Club, you get the betting amount back.
Ví dụ
Trò chơi | Cược | Lãi Lỗ |
Chi tiết | Nút | Nước | Loại | Giá | Thành tiền |
8 |
Cơ |
Đỏ | 2.0 | 100 |
100 |
Đen | 2.0 | 100 |
-100 |
7/8/9 | 4.0 | 100 |
300 |
4/5/6 | 4.0 | 100 |
-100 |
Cơ | 4.0 | 100 |
300 |
10 Nút | 12.0 | 100 |
-100 |
10 |
Bích |
Đen | 2.0 | 100 |
0 |
Bích | 2.0 | 100 |
0 |
J/Q/K | 4.0 | 100 |
-100 |
10 Nút | 12.0 | 100 |
1,100 |
Chuồn | 2.0 | 100 |
-100 |
Đỏ | 2.0 | 100 |
-100 |